(2023) Review the easyCBM Proficient Math (Prof Mth) assessment tool, discuss the process of administering the assessment both in person and virtually, and learn about best practices for consistent administration and data collection. Learn more about the Next Generation Learning Standards, and the…
(2023) Review the 2023-24 BOLST assessment tools, discuss the process of administering the assessment both virtually and in person, and learn about best practices for consistent administration and data collection. Bring your questions and comments to this session about using the BOLST.
(2023) An opportunity to meet the members of the new NYS TEACHS Technical Assistance Center, review the provisions of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act as it relates to identification and immediate enrollment, and receive resources to support the work of Migrant Educators as they…
(2023) A summer program that provides eligible migrant students with the opportunity to learn about college, work possibilities, leadership qualities, and successful life strategies as they work towards graduating high school. Students explore various life skills, learn about leveraging their…
(2023) The NYS-MEP is excited to host the virtual Out-of-School-Youth (OSY) Spring workshops series! Four events are scheduled for 2023. Migrant Educators: Please invite your OSY students to participate in one, two, three, or all of the workshops! Check them out!
(2023) Let us trade places with the Out-of-School Youth (OSY) population during this session, as we examine how their daily routine and way of life have been interrupted by coming to the U.S. Possibly, OSY students are unaware that Americans have a different set of laws and daily norms.
(2023) Participants will be invited to explore actions and strategies that may be applied personally and professionally to identify, connect, and activate plans of support that help students heal, recover, and achieve positive outcomes.