The New York State Migrant Education Program would like to recognize the Geneseo Migrant Center (GMC) for 50 plus years of service to migrant farmworkers and their families and express our gratitude for its legacy of providing scholarship support to students. Upon its closing in 2019, GMC ensured that this legacy would continue by arranging with various organizations to continue this important work. The Weston T. Hyde, Oswego County Education Foundation (WTHOCEF) has agreed to administer the following National and New York State scholarships to offer financial assistance to migrant students who want to further their education.
Applicants, Maximize your chances of success!
Pay close attention to the eligibility criteria and deadlines. Craft a compelling personal statement that highlights your achievements, aspirations, and how the scholarship will impact your future. Gather all necessary documents. Remember, each application is a chance to showcase your unique story and potential, so put your best foot forward and apply now!
To provide financial support to a deserving student with a history of migrating for employment in agriculture who has successfully completed one year of college. This support, up to a possible $20,000.00, will cover expenses beyond what the youth has been able to procure in federal/state and other scholarship assistance. This scholarship is designed to assist the youth in obtaining a baccalaureate degree without being encumbered by substantial debt. The Weston T. Hyde, Oswego County Education Foundation (WTHOCEF) has agreed to administer this scholarship to offer financial assistance to migrant students who want to further their education.
Award Details
Half of the $20,000 award will be dispersed over multiple years to support completion of the baccalaureate degree. Payments are made on a semester basis, after verification is received that the awardee is continuing forward with their education. Upon graduation with a baccalaureate degree, the recipient is then eligible for the remainder of the award to be used for paying down any student loans incurred.
• Recent history of movement for agricultural employment
• Scholastic achievement
• Financial need
• Successful completion of at least two full-time semesters (and no more than three) at an accredited post-secondary institution
• Registered for classes and on track to graduate with a baccalaureate degree
2025 GUIDELINES - National Migrant Farmworker Baccalaureate Scholarship
Purpose: To recognize a high school senior with a history of migration to or within New York State who has been identified as homeless according to the McKinney-Vento guidelines at any time during his/her high school years with a $500 post-secondary scholarship.
Eligible applicants must:
- Be a senior in high school
- Have been identified as homeless during their high school career
Patrick Crowley dedicated over forty-five years to the education of migrant farmworker children and their families. He has been a teacher, migrant program coordinator, and assistant school superintendent. In each of these roles, Pat was a strong advocate for migrant farmworkers. Under his direction, the East Bloomfield Migrant Education Program was a leader throughout the state. The program provided services to a variety of ethnicities including a large population of Alonquin Indians who made the annual trek from northern Quebec, Canada, to East Bloomfield, New York, to work on area mink and chicken farms.
He was also one of the founders of the Working Together Group, of migrant education and support services agencies in Western New York State. Additionally, he has served as an alternate representative of the New York State Migrant Education Program to the Interstate Migrant Education Council (IMEC).
Pat was also a co-creator of the ESPERANZA Project, a statewide education program for homeless migrant students eligible through the federal McKinney-Vento Act. Hundreds of migrant students have garnered assistance through this service while in New York State.
2025 GUIDELINES - Patrick Crowley Homeless Migrant Student Scholarship
Purpose: To honor a migrant farmworker student from New York State needing post-secondary scholarship assistance. The Weston T. Hyde, Oswego County Education Foundation (WTHOCEF) has agreed to administer this scholarship to offer financial assistance to migrant students who want to further their education.
Eligibility: A scholarship selection committee will screen candidates based on the following criteria
- Preferable status is a senior in an accredited New York State high school, or status as a senior at an accredited high school outside of New York State, but with a history of movement to New York State.
- Eligibility for Migrant Education services in New York State presently, within the past three calendar years, or anytime during high school.
- Acceptance at a post-secondary degree granting institution, preferably in New York State.
- Financial need
Jack Perry, a former high school and college teacher of economics and history, served as a New York State Senator representing the Rochester/Monroe County area from 1975–1992. Senator Perry served as the Executive Director of the Interstate Migrant Education Council (IMEC) for many years, advocating for improved education and services for migrant students.
2025 GUIDELINES - Friends of Senator Jack Perry Migrant Student Scholarship
Purpose: To financially assist current and former students served by the New York Migrant Education Program to further their education.
Award: A one-time grant of $1000.00 per individual will be determined by the Scholarship Committee based on the criteria below.
Eligible applicants must:
- Be:
- a senior in high school; or
- a high school graduate or have a high school equivalency diploma (GED); or
- currently enrolled in college or other post-secondary education.
- Have enrollment in or acceptance at an accredited public or private college, technical, or vocational school.
- Have history of eligibility for the NYS Migrant Education Program.
- Have desire to further their education to achieve their personal and career goals.
- Have an accomplishment of which you are proud.
- Have financial need.
2025 GUIDELINES - NYS Fruits of Labor Migrant Student Scholarship
The 2025 NYS FOL Parent Leadership Application Packet in SPANISH will be available soon.
Purpose: To recognize parents of migratory students who participated in learning and/or leadership experiences in addition to supporting parent activities with the migrant education program.
Eligible applicants must:
- Be parents or guardians of student(s) participating in the NYS Migrant Education Program this school year, since September 1, 2024; and
- Have participated in parent and family activities with the NYS Migrant Education Program since September 1, 2024; and/or
- Have participated in a learning and/or leadership experience since September 1, 2024
Parent Checklist:
- Complete the two-page Application Form.
- Ask at least one person to complete the Reference Letter Form.
- Submit both to the Director of your METS Program Center.
METS Director Checklist:
- Confirm eligibility and that the application is complete.
- Submit the completed Application Packet to maryanne.diaz@oneonta.edu by June 13, 2025.
Application Packet:
2025 NYS FOL Parent Leadership Application Packet in ENGLISH
METS Director Confirmation(from the Parent Application Packet)
2025 NYS FOL Parent Leadership Application Packet in SPANISH
Purpose: To provide financial support to farmworkers who are seeking post-secondary education, including trade schools, community colleges, and four-year universities. The scholarship may be used toward any school-related expenses. School expenses may include but are not limited to tuition, housing, transportation, books, food, among others.
Award: Grant amounts of up to $1000.00 per individual will be determined by the Scholarship Committee based on the criteria below.
Eligible applicants must:
- Be a farmworker or a family member of a farmworker.
- Attest to current or previous participation in the PathStone Employment and Training Program OR provide proof of current or previous eligibility for The NYS Migrant Education Program.
- Have financial need and the desire to further their education to achieve personal and career goals.
- Have enrollment in or acceptance at an accredited public or private community college, four-year college/university, technical school, or trade school.
PathStone Farmworker Education Scholarship - 2025 Guidelines & Application Packet
The following pages (3 and 4) are included in the above Guidelines & Application Packet; however, in case it is more convenient, they have been separated as individual files. Please read the guidelines document carefully, as only one of the following is required.
Applications must be received by: April 1, 2025
This scholarship was established as a memorial to Jean DeGrace Crandall, by her family, and is administered by the Community Foundation. Jean was an educator and friend to the migrant community. She worked as a Tutor Advocate for the former Mid-Hudson Migrant Education Outreach Program (MEOP), a folklorist for the Duchess County Arts Council and was the owner/operator of La Mula Chula in Rhinebeck, a store featuring fair-trade Mexican folk art, which she imported herself. An annual scholarship will be awarded for post-secondary assistance to a migrant farmworker or child of a migrant farmworker (with a preference for those from Mexico) with a history of migration to Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, or Westchester Counties in New York State.
Jean was a true community activist and philanthropist. She was warm hearted and altruistic in nature and had a special commitment to the immigrant community of the greater Poughkeepsie area. This scholarship honors her generous spirit.
Eligible applicants must:
- Be an undergraduate student or a high school senior at any High School in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster or Westchester Counties.
- Be a migrant farmworker or child of a migrant farmworker with a history of migration to Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland, Sullivan, Ulster, or Westchester Counties, New York.
- Have the Intent to pursue post-secondary education.
Read more about the Jean DeGrace Crandall Memorial Scholarship
Applications and required materials must be received by: June 15, 2025
Juanita Crippen dedicated 25 years of her professional life to the education of migrant children with emphasis on elementary-aged migrant youth. Juanita has been a mentor, friend, and educator to countless young people. She was loved and respected by each of the youth she served. Whether in her professional role or her personal life, Juanita gave herself unselfishly without expectation of public recognition.
Purpose: To recognize a high school senior from a migrant farm worker family in Franklin, St. Lawrence, or Clinton Counties in New York State needing post-secondary scholarship assistance who has demonstrated a caring and giving attitude toward another individual or community with a $250.00 scholarship.
A selection committee of the Northeast Migrant Education Program and Juanita Crippen’s family members will screen candidates on the basis of the following criteria:
- Past or present eligibility for Migrant Education services in New York State
- Preferably status as a current senior in an accredited New York State high school, or status as a senior at an accredited high school outside of New York State but with a history of movement to New York State. If no eligible high school seniors submit applications, the application of a college student will be considered.
- Acceptance at a post-secondary degree granting institution, preferably in New York State
- Financial need
Eligible applicants must complete the application and submit the following materials by: June 15th
- TWO (2) REFERENCE LETTERS- please have a school representative (such as counselor, teacher, coach, or other) write a letter addressing your educational commitment, grades, etc. and supporting the need for financial assistance. A reference letter may not be written by you, anyone under 21 years of age, or anyone related to you or serving as a legal guardian.
- PERSONAL INFORMATION- write an essay (250-300 words). Juanita Crippen was a woman who always helped others. Include information about what service to others means to you and how you have benefited by assisting someone else. What did you learn from the experience?
- PROOF OF ACCEPTANCE- if you are not already enrolled in college, attach proof of acceptance.
- PROOF OF MIGRANT EDUCATION ELIGIBILITY- attach a copy of a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) showing qualifications as a migrant student during the past three years (or any time during high school).
Juanita Crippen Memorial Scholarship Application and Guidelines