Using Smartphones for Teaching and Learning

(2020) Is the cell/mobile or smartphone a legitimate tool for tool for teaching and learning? In response to COVID-19, this question is ever more urgent as Migrant Educators and Recruiters continue to maintain social distancing to ensure the health and safety for all and to limit the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus disease. This webinar aims to answer this question by providing an understanding of the smartphone and its capabilities and, more importantly, how to use it to deliver supplementary and targeted migrant educational programs and support services as per requirements under Title I, Part C.

Engaging Students During Online Learning

(2020) Not being in the same physical space as a student creates unique challenges that require some adaptations of the tools we already have in our educator toolkits. This workshop will outline specific strategies useful in engaging students when lessons are delivered virtually. Workshop attendees will walk away with specific approaches as well as information on resources related to this topic.