Rebuilding and Repairing Relationships: Through Engaging SEL Practices

(2020) With the worldwide impact of Covid-19 and the growing racial justice movement, relationships within the classroom are more important than ever. Whether you are seeking to rebuild connection with students following social distance, repair connection after a conflict, connect with new students or increase engagement, this interactive training will provide participants with an expansion to their relationship development toolbox. Participants will explore the impact of relational rupture and repair, process the impact of race and cultural identity and gain applicable strategies that develop, rebuild and repair relationships with students through social and emotional learning practices.

How to Connect with Young Children on Virtual Platforms

(2020) This workshop will focus on developing on-line rituals and strategies that help children feel engaged and “seen,” and ways to strengthen relationships with families, and with and between children. COVID-19 has interrupted educational routines, rituals, and crucially, in-person relationships. On-line teaching has been especially challenging in terms of engaging young children who learn experientially, and usually, in close physical proximity to others. Virtual teaching is complicated by a digital divide that leaves many families – like ones in the MEP student cohorts – without adequate access. Due to the pandemic, many best practices are not in our control, however our flexibility, welcoming rituals, engaging practices, and optimistic closures can surprisingly mitigate barriers and allow us to reach across the screen and connect with each child.

2020-21 Program Year Kickoff

Welcome to the 2020-21 program year! What a year we have had in 2019-20 and we are ready to kick off the new year, together and more committed, to serving the needs of migrant children and their families as we navigate through the challenges of COVID-19. Join Program Coordinator, Kin T. Chee, of the State Migrant Education Program at this kickoff event to reconnect with colleagues from all over the State and to welcome some of our advocates and leaders from the New York State Education Department – Assistant Commissioner Jason Harmon, Office of Accountability and Director, Erica Meaker, Office of ESSA-Funded Programs – who will share their thoughts on the work we have accomplished and the work we have to do ahead.