Yoga For Migrant Staff

Course description

Short Yoga routine of stretches designed for a break within an In-Service, at a Consortium meeting, or to serve as a team-building activity within a meeting or event. This is an excerpt from a Self-Care Workshop held in the Fall of 2015. Add this segment to your meeting agenda and model self-care.

Michelle Pinedo leads a group of Migrant Education staff through a routine of simple stretches designed to relieve the muscles of people who spend time driving, filling out paperwork, and typing on a computer or cell phone.

About the developer:

Michelle Pinedo, Yoga Instructor and a Migrant Educator with the Mohawk Regional METS, created this routine for the NYS MEP Professional Development Day in Albany, NY, December 2015.

Accompanying video

Duration: 11 minutes

Academic Content Area: Advocacy

Theory of Action: Advocacy to Self-Advocacy

Audience Served: Early Childhood, K-8, 9-12, OSY, Drop Out, Parents

Delivery Method: Group Workshop, Individual Access - Self Serve

Continuing Teacher Leader Education Activity Area: Pedagogy