CGI is the Cognitive Guided Instruction for primary students to solve math word problems. CGI recognizes that the way a problem is written can make the problem easier or more difficult to understand. The simplest problem for students to understand, model, and solve is the one that provides a starting quantity, and an action that changes this amount.
A key practice for CGI is for students to verbally explain their solution process, and then to write their explanation.
The New York State Next Generations Mathematics Learning Standards for Pre-K to Grade 2, now uses a similar system for word problems, titled, “Common Addition and Subtraction Situations.” New York State Next Generations Mathematics Learning Standards expands the word problem system for Grades 3 and 4 for the multiplication and division of equal groups and arrays & area.
The CGI Word Problems are one component of the Summer Math lessons. Originally created as part of the full 2015 Math Matters summer school curriculum produced by the Math Consortium Incentive Grant, NYS-MEP updated the “CGI Charts” to align with the New York State Next Generations Mathematics Learning Standards.
Description of Resources
Educator Information – Provides background information for Migrant Educators about the organization of materials for Grades K-6; identifies specific NYS Next Generations Mathematics Learning Standards used for each grade; and ideas for teaching virtually or in person.
Grade Bands – The Summer Math is designed for students to review math skills from the school year just completed in the spring. For example, a student who was a fourth grader in May, and rising to Grade 5 in September would use the Grade Band for Grades 3-4.
CGI Word Problem Charts – Each Grade Band has five sets, or Units, of CGI work problem charts. Word problems are organized by how the problem is written. The problem with the most concrete writing is in the top, left corner. Problems become more abstract as you move to the right, and down, along the chart.
The word problems are available in English and Spanish in each unit. Note for Differentiating Instruction: Each word problem has three sets of numbers that can be inserted when reading the problem. Educators can select the number complexity for appropriate for each student.
CGI Graphic Organizer –Grades 1- 6 have a graphic organizer that can be used to prompt students with the steps involve for solving a word problem.
MASTER Set – A copy of everything in one download.