The story, “Bird’s Feet,” tells about the different ways birds use their feet for swimming and gripping a branch. The story makes a direct connection to children using their feet to run and hop. The Picture-Word Cards feature body parts. Parents can use the picture-word cards for more ideas of things to talk about with their child.
Please see Bird’s Feet from the TextProject’s BeginningReads series. Note: This story and the body parts picture-word cards are available in English. The “Translation Bookmark” below translates both the story and the picture-word cards into Burmese, Karen, and Spanish.
The following resources can be download below, under the heading “Book Resource Files.”
Parent Tip:
- General: You can inspire a love of books and words: This handout reminds about the general advice to talk, read and sing with their child every day. Then adds the specific example that Parents can inspire a love of books and words in their child.
- Using Home Language: Tell Stories and Share Books Together: The Translation Bookmark adds a tip reminding parents to use their home language. “Remember to share your stories with your children. Tell stories about when you were young. Tell stories about your family. “
Translation Bookmark-Bird Feet Theme: The words from the story and picture-word cards are on the left, with the translation on the right. Find the “Using Home Language” Parent Tip described above, translated at the top of the page.