PART II: Working From Home Discussion

May 28, 12:30 pm


How is working from home going for you? During Part I, a panel of Migrant Education staff shared their own experiences working from home. Part II is all about you! Join the panel and NYS-MEP staff around the state in the conversation with your own challenges, successes, and tips or tricks.

Topics include, but not limited to:

  • Routine
  • Time management
  • Work space
  • Distractions (children, caregiver, etc…)
  • Lack of control (disrupted day)
  • Blurred line of work always being there. There is no going to work and coming home.

Panelists include:

Liz Bliss, Odilia Coffta, Erin Allen, Lisa Rivera, Mary Anne Diaz, and Jenny Verdugo

The content in this presentation is geared towards serving the migrant populations in New York State as defined under Title I, Part C and the approved State Service Delivery Plan, and may NOT be appropriate to all situations.

Additional Information

Continuing Teacher Leader Education (CTLE) credit will not be offered for this session.

Follow Up to the May 28th Discussion

Thanks to everyone who attended the Work From Home Panel Discussion Part II. You made the discussion vibrant by asking your questions and sharing your solutions. Links and attachments shared during the discussion are available below.

  1. Parent Chart – Hold yourselves accountable, parents. It will be good for everyone!
  2. Six Principles that Put Equity at the Core article - In a recent podcast, researcher Brene Brown suggested other fields can learn from the aptly named soccer move “settling the ball.” This technique involves bringing the ball down, getting it under control, and then assessing the field to determine the best play. The analogy hits home for educators in the COVID-19 world. School communities quickly shifted to remote learning, ensuring basic needs of safety and security in an uncertain time. Now educators face another challenge: getting ready to open schools with looming public health risks, wider learning gaps, and heightened trauma and social-emotional needs. To do this right, we must settle the ball. Read more.
  3. Choose Your Own Adventure Mental Health Guide - If you’re feeling maxed out or even a little cuckoo-for-Cocoa-Puffs, you’re not alone — and there are resources that can support you, no matter what you’re up against. Read more.
  4. NYS-MEP 2018 Summer Video - Remember this? This video was made to assist in effectively communicating the what, who, when, where, and how of the NYS-MEP and to inspire support and collaboration with farmers, families, schools, school districts, and community partners. The interviews and scenes from each location show and tell a wonderful story of the New York State Migrant Education Program (NYS-MEP). Go to video.
  5. Sample Visual Schedule – This simple schedule can help you establish a routine with preschool students online. Add pictures to template to match your main activities, then post on a wall or foam board the students can see on camera. Remove the pictures as activities are completed to help students transition and be able to predict what is next. The 1-2-3 template might be useful in a packet of materials given to assist parents and students in understanding the organization or plan for how to use the packet.
Related resources
For Questions about the workshop content:

Mary Anne Diaz


For help connecting to ZOOM or for registration questions:

Jennifer Verdugo
