POP UP! Work From Home Panel Discussion

April 9, 3:00 pm


Working from Home (WFH)! A panel of Migrant Education staff will kick off the discussion by sharing their own experiences working from home. Join the conversation with your own challenges and successes.

Topics include:

  • Routine
  • Time management
  • Work space
  • Distractions (children, caregiver, etc…)
  • Lack of control (disrupted day)
  • Blurred line of work always being there. There is no going to work and coming home.

The content in this presentation is geared towards serving the migrant populations in New York State as defined under Title I, Part C and the approved State Service Delivery Plan, and may NOT be appropriate to all situations.

Panelists include:

Liz Bliss, Odilia Coffta, Erin Allen, Lisa Rivera, Mary Anne Diaz, and Jenny Verdugo

Related resources
For Questions about the workshop:

Jennifer Verdugo

