Teaching English Learners Self-Advocacy

March 27, 12:30 pm


Our families who are learning English cannot wait until they speak English to communicate with schools or other community agencies. In this interactive session, participants will learn how to teach strategies for working with an interpreter that are empowering, productive, and meaningful for families. This is a skill for life, allowing families to be in charge of their own communication when we are not there to support them.

The content in this presentation is geared towards serving the migrant populations in New York State as defined under Title I, Part C and the approved State Service Delivery Plan, and may NOT be appropriate to all situations.

Objectives/Learning Targets

  1. Review strategies for coaching students and parents about using an interpreter 
  2. Practice using the Self-Advocacy Plan to guide students and parents about how to advocate for their family 
  3. Self-advocacy skills give students and parents the power to control their communication and decision-making

Developed by 

Betty García Mathewson

Presented by 

Mary Anne Diaz

About the developer

Betty García Mathewson developed this workshop as the Director of the NYS-MEP Technical Assistance & Support Center, and the Opening Doors Diversity Project. Over the last 27 years she has worked with both programs focusing on creating inclusive learning environments for all students. In addition to NYS-MEP, she has worked with school districts, universities and non-profit agencies throughout New York State, nationally, and internationally. Betty has a Bachelor of Science in Social Theory Social Structure and Change and a Master’s in Organizational Development.

Additional Information

For those who have registered by the end of the day on March 25, 2020, an email will be sent with the Zoom connection, handouts, and additional instructions if necessary.

Special Instructions

Please print Self-Advocacy PLAN-English for use during the workshop. The other items are optional to print.

Post Workshop Follow Up

Thank you for joining the March 27, 2020, Virtual PD about Teaching ELs Self-Advocacy.

It is amazing that in barely one week’s time of the COVID-19 pandemic, workshop participants were able to provide that bridge between schools and families so that most of your families were connected to the school’s food and home study programs. Yes, there are a few stragglers, but what an accomplishment in one week!

Between the two workshops, you shared some examples of how schools, students, and families are adjusting.

  • Some schools provided My-Fi and other Hot Spot devices
  • One student who did not have internet at home, downloaded Google Classroom on the phone in order to connect with his/her teachers
  • Some students and parents are already using Google Translate to understand school work that was sent home

There was a question about how to proceed if a family calls the Migrant Educator and reports respiratory disease-like symptoms.

  • Migrant Educators should contact your Director for a response on a case-by-case scenario.

Potential Resources

Below you will find a handout of services available through Finger Lakes Community Health that TASC received on March 30, 2020.

Related resources
For Questions about the workshop content:

Mary Anne Diaz, presenter



For help connecting to ZOOM or for registration questions:

Jennifer Verdugo

