Child Development Framework

Child Development Framework Graphic

Helping children grow and learn starts with understanding their development. (Wood, Yardsticks: Child and Adolescent Development Ages 4-14, 4th Edition) The Child Development Framework uses child development information to assist Migrant Educators working with preschool children (ages 3, 4, and 5) and their parents.

Using the child development handouts: The development skills listed are guidelines.  All children grow and learn at different rates. This can inform your instruction with preschool children. Additionally, this can assist you in framing conversations that support a parent’s engagement in his or her child’s education.

The CDC Milestones its developmental skills into four categories:

  • Social and Emotional
  • Language and Communication
  • Cognitive
  • Movement and Physical Development

The NYS-MEP reorganized the developmental skills from the CDC Milestones to align with the NYS Early Childhood domains:

  • Approaches to Learning
  • Physical Development and Health
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication, Language and Literacy
  • Knowledge of Mathematics, Visual Arts, and Dramatic Play. 

Migrant Educator Note: Please talk with your Director when you have questions or concerns about child development.

About the graphic: The “Play, Learn and Grow…Together!” graphic, used with the Child Development Framework titles on this website, is from the website.