Building Relationships with Families While Working with Interpreters

December 18, 9:00 am


Trusting relationships are at the core of the NYS-MEP approach.  Many of us are bilingual, yet we as staff do not speak all of the languages migrant families speak.  Most of us will have to communicate through an interpreter during the course of our work.  In this workshop, participants will learn strategies for working with an interpreter so that the relationship is built between themselves and the family, not the interpreter.

Objectives/Learning Targets

  1. To be introduced to the field of Community Interpretation
  2. To learn key strategies for working with a Community Interpreter
  3. To reflect on how you might integrate these strategies into your work with new language learners

Presented by

Mary Anne Diaz on December 18th 2019.

Developed by 

Betty García Mathewson

Betty García Mathewson is formerly the Director of the New York State Migrant Education Program Technical Assistance Support Center. Currently, she continues to be a Lead Facilitator for the Opening Doors Diversity Project and works full time for Planned Parenthood of Central and Western NY as the Director of Health Center Operations. Over the last 25 years, she has led a range workshops and keynotes throughout New York State, nationally and internationally. Her primary areas of expertise include community interpretation, organizational development, change management, and social identity development. Betty developed and produced the Authentic Voices trilogy of training DVDs and educational resources.

Related resources
For Questions about this workshop's resources or to request this workshop to be scheduled again, please contact:

Mary Anne Diaz



Jennifer Verdugo
