2018 Brockport METS Summer School

In a culminating art project, the seventy-five students enrolled at the 2018 Brockport METS Summer School created a mural. The project evolved during the final week of Summer School, with each class in grades 1-8 contributing ideas; the older students started the drawings; and every student painting the 4’ x 8’ mural.

Brockport METS Summer School Mural


In a culminating art project, the seventy-five students enrolled at the 2018 Brockport METS Summer School created a mural. The project evolved during the final week of Summer School, with each class in grades 1-8 contributing ideas; the older students started the drawings; and every student painting the 4’ x 8’ mural. 

This collaborative project is one example of the program’s on-going commitment to provide a welcoming and safe place for children to learn. Visitors to the Summer School comment about the sense of community shared by the teachers and students. Looking at the mural, one can see the buildings to the right that represent the Brockport METS Summer School and the importance it holds for the students.


The 2018 Brockport METS Summer School provided four-and-a –half weeks of intensive full-day instruction in ELA, math, computer lab, art, health, physical education, and Spanish language. An English as a New Language (ENL) teacher worked with the students who tested as Entering/Beginning for language proficiency on the NYSESLAT or NYSITELL assessments. Once a week, a Music Therapy intern from SUNY Fredonia worked with students in grades 1-3.

Donna Spence, Director of the Brockport METS, the Northwest Regional METS Program Center at The College at Brockport, observed that the Summer School experience provides students with that extra boost to be excited and prepared to start the new school year in September, and prevents the summer regression that can affect many students. 


For over thirty years, the Brockport METS has held a Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troop Charter. Each Friday morning during Summer School, volunteers from the area Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts held Scout meetings with a focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) activities.

The Summer School hosted a Parents’ Night mid-way through the program, so parents and students could share the Summer School experience. During Computer Lab, students contributed articles to its weekly newsletter. The students went to Hamlin Beach for one field trip and to the Buffalo Zoo for their other field trip. 

The Oak Orchard Health Clinic’s mobile unit provided vision and dental screenings for all of the students. Students received dental cleanings and sealants as appropriate. The Orleans County Health Department provided screening for tuberculosis.


In the 1920s, the Mexican government promoted mural painting as a way to reunify the country. This included creating murals for schools. Mexican Muralism liberated art from the market, making it free and available to everyone. Famous mural artists include Diego River, José Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros.