easyCBM Deep Dive (IN-PERSON Administration)

August 18, 9:00 am


Thursday, August 18th, 2022 (9-10am)

This workshop was recorded for those who could not attend the live session via Zoom. Please see Follow Up and Resources below.

Participants will learn about the easyCBM assessment tools, discuss the process of administering the assessment in person with a student, and learn about best practices for consistent administration and data collection. 

Use the registration form to sign up! Zoom meeting information will be emailed to those who register a day or so before the event. Any special instructions or handouts will also be included in the email.

The content in this presentation is geared towards serving the migrant populations in New York State as defined under Title I, Part C and the approved State Service Delivery Plan, and may NOT be appropriate to all situations.

Please refer to the disclaimers page, which includes the vendor notice, Google™ Translate disclaimer, and nondiscrimination and accessibility policy, before proceeding further.


  1. How to administer the pre-assessment for the easyCBM
  2. Best practices for in-person administration
  3. Best practices for consistent administration and data collection

Presented/Developed by

Lisa Rivera, Web App Training Coordinator, Data Clerk

About the Presenter

Rivera currently plays two roles in the NYS-MEP, working as the Web App Training Coordinator with the ID&R program and as the Data Clerk for the Fredonia and Brockport METS. She has been working in the field of migrant education for over 17 years and has played a variety of roles. Lisa started her career at the Genesee Valley METS, where she coordinated many activities, including parent engagement programs, adolescent events, ESL classes with OSY students, scholarship committee and fundraising events, as well as the daily operations and data entry for the METS office.

Follow Up and Resources

Related resources

Mary Anne Diaz




Jennifer Verdugo

